Fishers Of Men Director

Tim has been married to Rachel (Hayes) since 2005. They have three children: Titus, Abigail, and Lily.
He and Rachel live in Hernando, MS and are members of the Coldwater Church of Christ in Coldwater, MS, where Tim serves as one of the deacons. Tim preached his first sermon as a teenager but began preaching regularly in 2004.
Tim holds a BA in Liberal Arts from University of Mississippi (2003). He is also a graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching two year program (2006) and the Memphis School of Preaching graduate program (2013).
Tim and Rachel did full-time local work from 2006-2011 before leaving to pursue opportunities in mission work, both with Fishers of Men and overseas campaigns. Tim became a full-time instructor with FOM in 2015 and Tim and Rachel started a ministry called NetCasters which focuses on building up and encouraging congregations of the Lord’s church in different parts of the world and establishing new congregations in areas where the Lord’s church previously did not exist. In 2019, Tim became director of Fishers of Men. In addition to the United States, Tim has worked for the Lord in China, Guyana, India, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, and Tanzania.
Contact Information
901-277-3577 (Cell)
1-800-338-1530 (Office)
901-604-2186 (Office)
Fishers Of Men Instructors

Darrell Broking was baptized into Christ in 1982. He married the former April Zuna in 1984. He began to preach the gospel shortly thereafter. The Brokings have three children, Magen 36, Travis 34, and Titus 15. Titus has completed high school and is now filling in for preachers in Middle Tennessee as needed.
Darrell graduated from the Memphis School of Preaching in 1998 as the outstanding student that year. In 2001, he graduated from Southern Christian University, Summa Cum Laude, with a BA in Biblical Studies. He graduated from East Tennessee State University in 2003 with a Master of Arts degree in History with a concentration in Biblical Textual Studies. While at ETSU, Darrell was inducted into the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi. He went on to earn a M. Ed. From Milligan College in 2007.
Additionally, Darrell served in AmeriCorps from August 2006 to July 2007. He is an experienced on-line Bible instructor who has completed several graduate courses in Christian Counseling, advanced New Testament Greek, and has managerial experience with Universal Health Services (Behavioral Health). He has also conducted mission campaigns in Russia and the United Kingdom. Darrell’s goal in life is to go to heaven and to take as many people with him as possible, which is why he has dedicated himself to Fishers of Men.

Barry is a native of Augusta, Georgia. Married to Melany (Eads), a nurse and the daughter of an elder. They have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. He is a 1975 graduate of Memphis School of Preaching, a graduate of the Southern Christian University, with a (BA in Bible).
Brother Hatcher has been preaching for forty-five years. He has served as the located evangelist for churches in Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, and Texas. He has participated in many missionary campaigns, and has directed four campaigns to Jamaica, West Indies. He has preached in thirteen States and eighteen foreign countries. He has lived in Indonesia for over fifteen years over the past thirty-two years. He moved to Indonesia in 1987 with Melany and three children, and founded the Southern Sumatra Bible Academy (a preacher training school) in 1989. The school is in her 30th year of instruction, and is located in the city of Tanjung Karang, Southern Sumatra. Since 2005 until the present, he works as a fulltime instructor with the Fishers of Men training program, and is designated as their international instructor. He has taught the three-month training course in thirteen countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Nigeria, London, Eritrea, Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. Croix, Mexico and New Zealand.
Former Fishers of Men Instructors

Benny was born in Clay County, Tennessee on June 16, 1932. After graduating from high school he worked in retail sales before entering the Air Force in 1951. He was trained as a Jet Engine Specialist and was stationed in Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin and Alaska. After being discharged he enrolled in Harding College in Searcy, Arkansas and graduated with degrees in speech and Bible. His graduate work was done at Harding Graduate School of Religion in Memphis, Tennessee.
The former Gayle M. Claunch from Dayton, Ohio, the daughter of an elder, became Benny's wife August 13, 1959. The Lord has blessed this marriage with five children and seven grand children. All are Christians who have reached the age of accountability. Gayle is a retired Art Teacher.
While at Harding Benny preached weekends at Shell Knob, MO and Coal Hill, AR. After graduation he served as pulpit minister for congregations in Coal Hill, DeWitt, and West Helena, Arkansas; Liverpool and Rome, New York; Park Avenue, Northeast and Franklin Road in Indianapolis, IN.
In 1985 Benny became a full time instructor with the Fishers of Men Ministry an continues to fill in at the Franklin Road Congregation when he is in town. His mission work has been in the South Pacific at American and Western Samoa. He can serve in two or three Gospel Meetings in between Fishers of Men sessions.
Contact Information
8879 E. Big Rock Rd.
Morgantown, IN 46160
(765) 342-3366

Ron became a full-time instructor at the invitation of the Naperville church eldership in July of 1997, after serving as a part-time instructor for Minnesota churches for five years. Ron and Louise first took the Fishers of Men training course with Darrell O'Rourke in 1983 while serving the Mankato church of Christ.
Ron and Louise have served in the mission field of Minnesota since 1974. During this time Ron served as pulpit minister, personal evangelist, deacon, elder, police chaplain, campaign director, youth and family camp director, board member for the Hands of Compassion Ministry in Rochester, MN, and editor of the Minnesota Milestones.
Ron is a graduate of the Bear Valley School of Preaching (now Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver) and holds a master's degree from the University of Minnesota at Mankato and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Church Growth and Evangelism from Theological University of America. Louise is a graduate of Northwestern Oklahoma State University and is a retired public school teacher as well as a Bible class teacher who has been involved in curriculum development for various Bible classes for children.
Ron's ministry has focused on evangelism. He has been involved in numerous evangelistic outreach methods including bus evangelism and telephone campaigns. He has been involved in numerous church plantings, especially the churches in Faribault and Owatonna, Minnesota. He has been active in sharing evangelism methods with others at various workshops and college lectureships.
Since becoming a fulltime instructor, Ron has taught classes in 17 states as well as Russia, Ukraine, Barbados, and St. Vincent. He has taught personal evangelism classes in the regular curriculum of Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Ohio Valley College, Piedmont Road School of Preaching and Biblical Studies in Marietta, GA, Heritage Christian University in Florence, AL, training those students not only to become fishers of men but to be part-time instructors who "will be able to teach others also." Ron is dedicated to going anywhere that the doors are opened to him.
Married in 1963, Ron and Louise have three children and nine grandchildren.
For health reasons, Ron stepped away from teaching FOM in 2017.

Born November 18, 1957, in Memphis, TN, Timothy obeyed the gospel December 5, 1977 in Southaven, MS. He and Lynn (Morris) were married September 19, 1976. They have three children, all of whom are Christians and married: Ginger (married to Jason Bayless), Tim, II (married to Rachel Hayes), and Amanda (married to Jeffery Ferrell). They also have ten grandchildren: Cali, Ethan, Addi Belle, & Georgia Paige Bayless, Kaiden, Melaney, & Porter Ferrell and Titus, Abigail, & Lily Wilkes. A DUI offender killed Ethan at 2 ½ in December 2004. He and Lynn worship with the Coldwater, MS church of Christ, where he serves as an elder. Having preached since 1979, Timothy is the director of the Fishers of Men Ministry. He first took the Fishers of Men course in the spring of 1982 and began immediately to teach principles of FOM to local congregations where he preached. In 1988 he began to teach the entire course on a part-time basis and by 1992 was teaching the course regularly. Though he was teaching the course with a full-time schedule in 1993, Timothy didn't leave full-time local work until 1994.
In addition to Fishers of Men and preaching in the U.S., Timothy has preached, taught, and done campaign and faculty work in American Samoa, Australia, Columbia, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Tanzania, Western Samoa, and extensive campaign work in Russia. As of July, 2017, Timothy has crossed the sea 120 times doing mission work.
- General Education at Three Rivers Community College in Poplar Bluff, MO
- MS in Andragogy (Science of how adults learn) from Capella University
- Ph.D. in Andragogy from Capella University
Timothy Sr. passed away in 2019.

Darrell O’Rourke is pictured with his wife, Jean. He and Chuck Thyne co-founded the Fishers of Men ministry in 1977 and Darrell served as director until 1998. Darrell went to meet the Lord in 2014. Only the Lord knows how many souls will inhabit heaven as a result of his efforts in the kingdom.